Sunday, September 16, 2012

If there is a lockout and nobody cares, does it make the news?

The NHL has apparently locked out the players. With football into the second week of the regular season, the baseball playoff races heating up, and the never-ending NBA nonsense combined with the post-Olympics letdown and the run-up to the November elections, even the players might not be aware that this is happening. Seriously. The news certainly hasn't made it to any of the states that don't border Canada.
The best anyone can hope for from this situation is that we get some great stories from the vice-presidential candidates. Just think of the fun that anecdotes about Joe Biden's ride share commute with members of the Philadelphia Flyers, or Paul Ryan's bow hunting adventures with the Wisconsin Badgers hockey team. The one-upsmanship might never end!
The community that might be the hardest hit is Columbus, Ohio, who thought they had finally made the Ohio big time, hosting their own crappy team, just like Cleveland and Cincinnati. You hear that, Columbus? It is the sound of the the repo men coming to take the final vestiges of your errant city pride.  Pride in mediocrity goeth before a fall.

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